piektdiena, 2010. gada 27. augusts


how do you not love steampunk?

i would trade in anyone of these last 2 babies for my blackberry 9000 bold in a heartbeat.

to my russian-speaking fellows

have you seen this?
what do you think about it?
Россия в огне - климат как оружие

Since i am so pro post-apocalyptic shit...

i thought you, my dear readers, might be interested in some wallpapers.
of cousre, none of them are my work or property, all credit goes to their respective owners.

as you might have noticed, not all of them fit to the description post-apocalyptic, but you might say, that they all are that 'ish.
also, if anyone of you notice a combination of PA and pinup, let me know asap

so here we go...

not too bad, not great, but here we go.
 this is my blog. i now have one. deal with it.